Obsessions,Cravings, Weirdness and the start of all the madness of Fugles!!

Yes,we all have them.Some kind of obsession or cravings or just plain down wanting or needing…

Where does it all come from though? Well,  I’m still trying  to figure  that all out or make sense of my  own madness.

The very first moment I started liking something out of the ordinary.

 Let me invite you into my craziness & all of my 101 maddening obsessions. I am pretty sure its more than that but let me not scare you away.

I turned 33 years  a  year ago & I hated that number. It’s not that I hated birthdays, in-fact, quiet the opposite. I am pretty big on birthdays!(in the near future you  will see just how big I am on birthdays)
I just hated “odd numbers”. Weird I know but maybe that is when it started. From wanting little fairy gardens to goblins. Suddenly a need to garden; to eating new foods like artichokes to somebody that does not  eat tomato -to eating sun-dried tomatoes.
Oh,  it gets worst, my need to collect unusual items. With out me knowing, I became a “collector” of strange and weird stuff, which I will cover in the near future.
Today I share with you  my unusual liking  for these money boxes. Yes.  you heard me right, a grown woman collecting  money boxes.
Take a look at my “fugles” 🙂

Amazing,I just love them!!

Tell me about all the weird stuff out there that interest you or is plain down bat shit crazy but you cant help loving it.

Look out for me next week, I will  give you a step by step D.I.Y tutorial on small space design.(“your very own home bar”)

Chatterbox out…keep the chatter going!!